Take a look at our past projects and examples of work.
The platform I created enables coaches to seamlessly document pitch grips, build and refine customized arsenals, and objectively evaluate pitch effectiveness. It allows 3D overlays onto high-speed video which provides precise ball release visuals and multi-pitch comparison with metrics for efficient pitching analysis.
Currently used by MLB and NCAA teams. Created in Unity with builds deployed for webGL and iOS.
This platform was developed to visually analyze data on custom fields by integrating multiple sources and combining pitch physics with new visuals to enhance education and evaluation.
The platform also explores catcher pop time variability, PitchCom location tracking, and 2D/3D tunneling measurements to provide deeper insights into a pitcher’s arsenal and overall performance. Biomechanical data was visualized with ball-tracking data to help show kinetic changes from pitch to pitch.
This product was a combination of my previous software in conjunction with Dr. Glenn's Healey SSW Ball Flight model. Dr. Healey found the best way to visualize how weather and seams affect pitch movement was through 3D visuals. This is the ultimate pitch design tool as it breaks down break metrics into their components, which has led to new ways of thinking about pitch design.
Consulted with a Division I NCAA program to assist with a technology integration combining Trackman V3 stadium unit with mounted Edgertronic cameras. Custom code and workflows were implemented to automate the data capturing and syncing process.
prepare for the blessing.
Past speaking and engagement opportunities
BaseballCloud's Debut of ShapeShiftR with Ryan Reinsel and Dr. Glenn Healey
SportTechie Expert Panel Discussion on Baseball Technology
"Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 3:13-14